Thursday, August 12, 2010

New experience at the air field.

I took my son to the local flying field today for the first time. He is 5 years old and has only played with my mini RC heli around the house. It was a short trip and there were not very many people there today. I took my very first trainer out hopeing to get it up and let him play with the controls a little bit, but alas the bad luck god was smileing at me. First we find out that the rubber band bag was not in my field box so we couldn't secure the wings. There went any chance of flying today. Still hopeing to save the day from being a complete diaster I decided to crank of the engine to make sure it was still operating ok after being in storage for a few year. While trying to get the engine to fire my son asked me why water was dripping from my plane. That "water" was actually nitro fuel ....... now the trip was an offical diaster. We packed everything up and headed home. My son said that he enjoyed the little bit of time we were at the flying field, but I am hopeing to get back soon and show him the real toys.


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