Thursday, August 12, 2010

My first RC heli (helicopter) (written July 2010)

I have been into RC Airplanes for several years now but I have always wanted to learn how to fly RC Helicopters. At the field that I flew at there was only one guy that was really good at Helis and he was not willing to teach and all I ever heard was how hard it is to learn. Well all that changed when I came across several Helicopter pilots that started to frequent the field I flew at. These guys really opened my eyes and my will to learn how to fly Helis. Several of them learned to fly Helis before Airplanes. The best piece of advice that they gave me was to first find a low end Heli that was small enough for indoor flight and that had some directional controls. That way you could fly it inside and not have to worry with the effects of the wind and you could learn the controls of the Heli no matter if it was flying towards you or away from you. This is one of the most important concepts to learn because the more controls you add the more compounded the problem would be if you got turned around while flying you Heli. Now I learned very quickly that there is several cheap Helis available that will not teach you anything. These are the ones that you will find at your local shopping center. The reason for this is those Helis are built as toy and the Helis that we fly are not toys. Due to the low quality of the equipment used to build these Helis they don’t hold the trim adjustment and as the battery starts to weaken all the controls are affected greatly. This makes learning extremely hard because the Heli never flies the same. So I would recommend that if you are serious about this hobby you need make your first Heli purchase wisely.

As a final note:Make sure that the Heli is put out by someone that specializes in RC hobbies not toys.


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