Monday, January 10, 2011

RC Airplane Trainers

When you first start out flying RC airplanes it is recommended that you start with a "trainer". The primary difference between a trainer and a typical is the design of the wings and body of the plane. When choosing a trainer airplane it is recommended to use a very stable model that has some of these basic characteristics:

Tricycle landing gear- RC airplanes with 3 fixed wheels allow for more directional control when taking off and landing then those with the tail dragger style.

Angled wings- Having a fixed wing RC airplane with wings that have a dihedral angle offers an added layer of protection from crashing. The angle of the wings will make the aircraft self-correct to flying a stright and level path if the controls are released during flight.

Low center of gravity-  The location of the RC airplanes fuselage in relation to its wings dictates where the center of gravity for the plane is located. When the wings are located below the fuselage then the center of gravity is high on the plane and gravity is always trying to make the plane fly upside down. When the wings are located abovde the fuselage the center of gravity is low which helps to keep the plane flying correctly.

Flat bottomed wings- The slower the airplane can fly the easier it is to control when first starting out. The shape of the wing dictates how much lift is produced by the forward motion of the aircraft. A flat bottomed wing has a high arch on top and a flat bottom causing the air traveling over the wing to go  at a slower pace then the air flowing below the wing.

If you want to learn more about trainers, RC airplanes, and other remote control cars & trucks, boats,  and helicopters click on the links to visit my website. I hope this information is helpful and if you have any additional questions, comments, or concern please contact me at
